Tomorrow I head off on one of the biggest adventures of my life. No, I'm not climbing Mount Everest, sailing through the seas, or eating a McRib. I am going to New York City! If you've read my other posts you know that I've already been to New York a few times before. So what establishes this as an adventure then? Well I am going by myself for 4 weeks for an internship program! I have never travelled by myself before. The program I'm involved with accounts to a large group of students my age (16-18) from all over the world. So I'm not literally alone, but I am away from my family and friends. I chose the field of journalism for my internship, but specifically I am doing fashion journalism. During the next four weeks I will get to explore the city, meet new people, gain work experience, and become an independent girl who's ready to take on the world! :)

I absolutely love New York City and I feel extremely fortunate to have this opportunity! Make sure to keep checking back at this blog for more updates of my experience.
How exciting!! I hope you have a marvelous time, dear!