Letters to Juliet is a really cute movie. I will admit that it's pretty predictable, but at the same time it's very enjoyable. The movie's lighthearted, easy to watch, and somewhat inspiring. Maybe it's due to my obsession with Europe, but I absolutely loved watching their journey through Italy. Every scene was extremely beautiful, I wish I was there! I definitely plan to go visit Verona and the surrounding cities sometime in my life.
There is a quote from the movie which I enjoy:
"What" and "If" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.
And it's true. This quote really stuck with me. We spend to much time thinking about the "what ifs" when we might as well take a risk, live our life, and be happy with it. We can't change the past, but we can start a new future.

Amanda Seyfreid is one of my (many) favourite actresses, and she did a great job with this movie. She has this simplicity about her that has the ability to capture an audience. She is definitely talented. And the male lead is quite fancy too! I like his accent, British/Australian, my favourite! lol
So if you are looking for a cute love story that will potentially inspire you, I suggest you check this one out. What if you don't? Well you'll be missing out. So go and rent Letters To Juliet and you may just find yourself booking the next flight to Italy!
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