Quite the week! This past weekend was probably the funnest time I've had in a while. To give you an overview of the events; Friday was work then Chicago City Limits Improv Show, Saturday was the Cloisters and "Casino/Dance/Club Night", and Sunday was The Met/Central Park and the movie theatre. The collage below is pictures from Saturday and Sunday. For more information on what I was up to click on the title of this post or "read more" under the image. I hope everyone is enjoying there summer as well! :)

After another routine day of work it was time to have a fun night out. Planned for us that evening was an improv show by Chicago City Limits. Our school back home had an improv team and I saw their competition. Let me tell you, improv is a blast to watch. I have always loved watching the show Who's Line is it Anyway (and now Drew Carey's Improv-a-ganza) so I was excited.
In order to get to the comedy club we had to walk a distance in the pouring rain. Silly me, I didn't bring my rain jacket. Luckily I enjoy the rain - every once in a while that is! The "CCL" show ended up being an hour long and it was really amusing. I enjoyed the show, but a lot of people were critical. I went in with no expectations and and open mind, so I had a lot of fun. I think that's really the key; if you allow yourself to enjoy something you will! lol
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Normally our activities are in large groups, but this time we travelled in a group of 7 students. I actually prefer smaller groups because it makes it easier to socialize with everyone. The trip was to The Cloisters, a museum of religious medieval artifacts. To be honest, I wasn’t that interested in what the museum had on display. I was interested in the gardens, grass, and trees. It has been quite some time that I’ve spent in the concrete jungle, so to be surrounded by nature again was wonderful! It was so peaceful walking through the parks and the view was great. It was a good time spent away from the city.
When we got back, the same group of us that went to The Cloisters decided to go out to eat. We were all craving a milkshake and a burger. Originally we were going to go to the Shake Shack, but the line was gigantic! Instead we settled for the Goodburger in Union Square. Let me tell you the obvious, it was a good burger!
When we came back from dinner we had about half an hour to get ready for Casino Night. It had been a long day and none of us really wanted to go, we didn’t know what to expect. We got all dressed up and hopped on the subway. We ended up in TriBeCa walking past many people selling designer knockoffs and illegal DVDs. It seemed a little sketchy and since all of us girls were fancy, the men were very vocal. When we were approaching out location we noticed the TriBeCa Film Festival Theatre. It was really cool to see, little did we know that was our location!
There were tables for casino games, a bar, cool couches, and what appeared to be a vip section upstairs for lounging. This place was awesome. I immediately became excited and ready to have a fun night. Anything that involves dancing; count me in! For example, we went to see the Broadway show Rain, the first Friday here and my favourite part was Twist and Shout when everyone got up and danced! I don’t know 100% but I think I may have been the first person on the dancefloor. I know there were times when I was the only one! Haha. Dancing around like a fool and like you’re having a good time will prove to be a great time! I ended up dancing the night away on that dance floor and it was the funnest night! Since I was wearing heels, walking home was painful. By the time we got back to our dorm rooms and I took off my shoes I was walking like an old lady. The soles of my feet were blistered and my back was aching. But let me tell you, it was so worth it!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Another busy day! After a late night partying, me and my roomate decided to sleep in. When we woke up, we had lunch (brunch if you will) and then joined the others to go to The Met. Sunday was organized as the museum day where you had the choice of Natural History, Met, MoMA, Guggenheim, and Intrepid Sea-Air. I chose the Met because I really wanted to see the Alexander McQueen exhibit, Savage Beauty. The wait is normally half an hour to an hour and a half wait for the exhibit, but a group of 6 of us walked right in. How, you ask? We got our hands on a membership pass, thanks to another girl in the program.
I have always been a fan of McQueen’s work, he is a true artist. Seeing some of his most diverse pieces was incredible. This man’s mind was unimaginable and his creativity was endless. There were also many quotes of his throughout the exhibit and insider information on each garment. I’m not sure how much longer the exhibit is going on for, but I would definitely recommend it!
After McQueen, we had a chance to look at the modern art before we headed out. Once outside we sat on the steps of the Met for a Gossip Girl photo shoot. Personally, I don’t watch the show, but I do love the fashion! Then, we were off to central park on the nice summer’s day to chillax.
Sunday night is movie night! A bunch of us signed up on this Sunday to see Horrible Bosses. I was really excited to see it and turns out, I loved it! It was hilarious. I love all the male leads (Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, and Charlie Day). It was my first time seeing Charlie and he ended up being my favourite! It’s an ensemble comedy which reminded me of The Hangover and Bridesmaids; which I both love. Basically, I would recommend it.
I realize this “Week 2” update came a little late, but that may just mean you wont have to wait as long for “Week 3”! I’m still loving it here in NYC and with the final week approaching ... actually, let’s not think about that!
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